Thirsty Thursdays @3PM EST

Taylor Foxman's Career and Her Guide to Reach Your Goals & Dreams

β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 43
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00:00 | 51:02

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πŸ“’I talkπŸŽ™οΈwith  Taylor Foxman, Founder and CEO of The Industry Collective.  πŸ‘πŸ· πŸŽ‡ πŸŽ‰ ✨ πŸ‘ πŸ₯‚  😁

She is 40 UNDER 40 Beverage Alcohol VC Advisor, Rolling Stone Culture Committee Member and Entrepreneur Media Contributor.

Taylor takes us through her amazing journey about her career, why she didn’t get her MBA, her marriage, mentors and resources that have helped her get to where she is today. One mentor, in particular, helped her take the leap into the cannabis world as VP of Communications and Media, for Parallel, one of the largest privately-held cannabis companies in the US.

Taylor wakes up every morning and sets her intentions by writing down how thankful she is and the goals she wants in life. She manifests everything she wants and has found this process key to navigating her career and reaching her plans and purpose.

Currently, at The Industry Collective, she is a strategic advisor to CEOs of 40 beverage companies worldwide from the early stages through the late stage of growth. Her primary focus is working with beverage owners from underrepresented communities.

Taylor was an amazing guest with TONS of great advice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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